LID practices make site design environmental-friendly and reduce infrastructure costs.
What role does Low-Impact Development practices have in the future growth of the county?
Should LID practices be incorporated into the site design requirements that are reviewed by City and County staff?
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The law of unintended consequences needs to be thoroughly examined before implementing any new (or keeping any existing) codes. Also, the 'science' of environmental impact should not necessarily be taken at face value. Too many ideas are either based on no science or bad science, resulting in un-needed rules and regulations. The consequences are to deter future development, or to make it much more expensive. New rules should be applied very cautiously, and only in the face of extreme obvious need.
Stormwater runoff is a serious problem in the Triad. As development and population increases, the amount of toxins running into the Yadkin River (a major source of drinking water) and other tributaries is significantly affecting the health of our water. All new construction should be required to use engineering and building techniques that follow the latest best practices for reducing stormwater runoff. Our current standards are not strong enough. The legacy plan should strengthen these standards.
Stormwater surges and flooding are major environmental calamities caused primarily by imperviousness and exasperated urban runoff. LID practices should be a major element of all new and re-development activities. Where practicable, stormwater management should restore pre-development hydrographs. Restoring streams and wetlands should also be incorporated to “green up” the community. Spill containment facilities may be necessary and appropriate as well.
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