Thursday, September 1, 2011

Discuss: Preserving and Revitalizing Existing Neighborhoods

 Historic structures and areas not located in local historic districts do not have the same level of protection as those that are.

Do we need additional tools to ensure preservation of these historic resources?

Should Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Districts be revised?

The importance of both increasing the housing supply and expanding non-residential uses while also protecting neighborhood character and preserving historic resources should be recognized. How can we best assure this balance is reached?

Give us your thoughts -- click "comments" below:


Anonymous said...

Yes, historic structures not within historic districts should be preserved with equal protection.

Anonymous said...

Increased density (required to increase tax base without gobbling up rural areas) is not antithetical to preservation. Retaining the look and feel while building infill is possible but will require design guidelines over and above what are in place in non-overlay districts now. More overlays would help retain Forsyth County's character and keep the look and feel of the community distinct; a key in attracting and retaining businesses and residents.
Bring/start an architectural school here?

evelynjane said...

On May 25, 2010 Ruth Pierpont head of the Historidc Preservation New York State Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation spoke before Congress and said...America's conservation continuum does allow this Nation to preserve, or consider presrvation of every historic place.
The City can do what we have the will to do. Revitilization and economic development projects properly planned have much more in common than the retoric suggests. Planning should include values that enhance preservation and revitalization beyond the "overlay" districts. Often areas that meet all the challenges associated with high poverty have some of the most significant historic sructures and sites. Many of these represent painful pasts but also evoke strong emotional pride about the past. Public policy language should make allowances for these places to become permanently identified. Several examples exist of how doing this may have made us a "better" community.
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