Improving Health Equity
Health disparities are differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions among various groups in any community.
What contribution can the comprehensive plan make to improving health equity in the community?
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Distressed communities often lack resources within walking distance (grocery stores, farmer markets, sit down restaurants) and thus require transportation in and out of their community. Developing mixed use communities moving forward, and putting additional resources in currently distressed communities would be one solution. ABC stores, fast food chains, and check cashing stores should be removed from low-income neighborhoods as these only compound the fragile health of residents. You should also disperse rent-adjusted housing throughout the county so as not to concentrate too much poverty in one place. This has a compounding effect on poor health. There also needs to be a restoration of run down public apartments. The mental distress from living in a blighted complex in more than anyone realizes. Imbedding health stations within housing developments could help residents keep better track of things like blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol.
We need to make health care more accessible and more affordable to low income families and immigrants (legal and illegal).
Usable parks accessible to all communities.
Create community awareness regarding the ways in which the built environment impacts health both positively & negatively.
I liked hearing the proposals for balanced development. We need more jobs with livable wage. Poverty is increasing wealth disparity - health & economic inequity.
Racism & stress - health disparities
The Legacy Plan - this year & going forward can keep the issue of community culture in the foreground. Moving to be more progressive & inclusive.
Adding sidewalks, bike lanes, greenways to promote alternative transportation methods. Getting more cars off of the roads would make the air quality better, and giving people a safe place to commute/exercise could improve overall health.
Promote Community health fairs at central locations
Bring grocery stores downtown
Keep up parks in equitable manner; in the same vein, keep up sidewalks, greenways, etc.
Promote community gardens/provide support to those who want them.
Ask WFUBC to do more free testing & consultation
Emphasis on walkability of neighborhoods, including existing neighborhoods, is necessary. That must include connectivity to grocery shopping opportunities.
Work with vendors & farmers markets to accept food stamps
Community outreach and healthcare
Internship for students
Promote pedestrian accessibility
Get rid of air polluting 4-way stops - more roundabouts - more slow traffic roads, fewer strip malls
Get rid of light pollution
Uncover our streams & make them part of greenways & parks
Assure connectivity, sidewalks, bike trails, etc. Small well-kept parks, exercise spaces scattered thoughout area
LEGACY should ensure that no building permits are issued for projects that impact intermittent or perennial streams or jurisdictional wetlands before required Clean Water Act permits and certifications are obtained (i.e. US Army Corps of Engineers Action ID No. 199920144). LEGACY should support actions by local governments that improve our air and water quality.
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